1. Being a band nerd myself, I thought after I left college I was done with the performing arts. Boy was I wrong! Although I'm not performing like I did in band, hello stage fright!, it felt good to be back in the theater helping put together the performance.
2. After the first couple weeks, you're already sending ugly snapchats to each other. What better way to learn to trust each other then sending those gorgeous triple chins. *Hey Abbi!*
3. Speaking in song lyrics and quoting the script is perfectly normal. Y'all don't know how many times we quoted Sebastian's lines. *TEENAGERS! Give them an inch and they swim all over ya!*
4. No matter how hard you try, the drama doesn't stay on the stage. Besides everything going on with the school and another group, the cast was super supportive of each other. But let's talk about Saturday's performance as the curtain is about to go up. A cast member just up and quit. Didn't really have a good reason and just left. Uhhh.... WHAT?! Can we talk about how amazing everyone was in covering his part? Teamwork. That's how it's done.
5. People create weird bonds with their props. Dinglehopper anyone?
6. Sleep suddenly becomes a thing of the past. This is kind of self explanatory. Late nights, early mornings. Coffee, coffee, coffee..
7. No matter how many you have, bobby pins and clips just randomly disappear. I don't know how many people I had come up to me looking for clips for their head pieces. I totally understand that, though, I mean how many bobby pins has every girl gone through in their life time.
8. The things that happen behind the curtain and weird conversations that happen backstage. One of my favorite things I've seen yet was a video of almost all the cast behind the curtain dancing along with Poositioovity. There were chefs, eels, and fish doing the tap dance. It was AWESOME!
9. Being called by your character name is totally normal. I don't know how many times I called Rachel, Ariel, or David, Eric. Haha! They just go with it.
10. It doesn't matter how much talent or money have, it all depends on who you know. This is consistent throughout all the arts. The coined term is, "It's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know."
Bonus: "Find your light" is not a motivational quote. I might have stole this from Pinterest, but it made me laugh. Dallas and Corey would get so mad that people wouldn't move into their light on stage. By the end though, going towards the light was just second nature.
Overall, I loved being apart of this group. Having my camera there majority of the time helped to capture what I want to remember about everything this show taught us.
Apr 29, 2016, 9:00:08 AM
TBWest - I love this Stephanie, thank you for sharing.