Quarantine. Pandemic. Covid.
Words that we are so tired of hearing and don't want to hear ever again in our lifetime. I think we all feel the same about what's going on and hoping everyone is doing their part to stay home as much as possible. And although we are having to distance ourselves from friends and family, one thing that has come out of this whole situation is the ability to reconnect with people that we just "haven't had time" to talk too. I have chatted more with my college buddies now then I have in the past 10 years of our busy lives. Having those conversations and being able to talk is a blessing that I don't think many of realized we needed.
The second amazing thing to come from this whole pandemic is the amount of art being created to keep ourselves busy and our minds occupied. When it comes down to it, people turn to entertainment and art to take our minds off the problems we are seeing in this world.
And that is what Rachel and I did with this project.
We had never met in person, but Lensbaby brought us together with the love we have for their products. We have all seen the virtual photoshoots happening across social media, but the one thing I hadn't seen done yet was creating with our Lensbaby's. It was interesting to shoot the computer, and kinda felt like we were doing an adult film, but after we chatted some and starting taking the photos, I think we kind of figured it out.
In the end, we both agreed that it wasn't our best work, but it forced us to be creative and think outside the box. And I have a new friend.