First, I want to tell you thank you for allowing my into your hectic life
and showing me that no matter the troubles that are thrown your way, you always get back up.
Thank you for showing me what kindness is and how you always put everyone else's needs before your own.
Thank you for being there in times of celebration and times of sadness.
Thank you for showing me strength to keep going even when the bed is still calling our name.
Thank you for watching my "aboslutely horrible" shows where nobody can act or the drama is just too much.
Thank you for having Papa Johns on speed dial and knowing exactly when to press send for a pizza.
Thank you for holding my hand in the hospital room when my grandpa was sick.
Thank you for letting me rant about my day while attempting to make you dinner.
Thank you for being YOU!
Happy Birthday Dallas!
I love you!
Oct 27, 2015, 10:58:41 AM
Nancy McCabe - Thank you Stephanie for the wonderful tribute to my son. He is so blessed to have you as part of his world! LOVE you both, Mom M.