This month has been nothing short of exhausting. Dallas said it best last night that all of us are physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. Since my birthday on August 31, we have been through hell and back. Sleepless nights, eating junk food except for those sweet souls that make sure we have food, to working from sun up to sun down making sure our jobs aren't falling behind just to turn around and travel back and forth from Lubbock to Roswell.
Watching my family go through this obstacle has probably been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. The first night we were in Lubbock was beyond what we was expecting. Listening to the doctor tell us what they had to do and the condition my mom was in... it rocked our world. Nobody saw this coming and nobody could tell us what caused it.
And not knowing is the hardest part.
My dad has been such a trooper through this whole thing. Not leaving her bedside except to go home, get a shower & food, then head back up to the hospital and do it again the next day. We are now on day 26... Heading into week 5. I know it has been much easier on everyone with Ryan living in Lubbock. He's rearranged his little apartment to accompany an extra air mattress so they both have a place to sleep. Dallas and I have been going back and forth on the weekends due to our jobs. I have now had to rearrange several sessions to make everything work and because of that, every day in October has something going on. I feel like the race has only just started and September isn't even over yet. Dallas has been amazing through everything that has happened. The first day we were there, he heard the pain in my voice and the next thing I knew he was there in Lubbock with me. He has been nothing short of a true blessing in my family's life. I think we can all say this isn't how any of us saw our life going...
We are so grateful to everyone who has called, texted, messaged, and offered to help in any way they can. Ya'll have truly been amazing. I believe that the prayers and sweet blessings are helping and even with the long road ahead of us, it will be made easier with all of you by our sides.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
Sep 27, 2016, 8:13:35 AM
Janne - You probably won't recognize who I am, but have known your family forever...
Our best thoughts are headed your family's way, all of you, but most of all, your Mom.
Sep 27, 2016, 3:37:42 AM
Jennifer kleman - I am so heartbroken for the journey and challenges you all are facing. I know you are a strong family but this has to be so hard. My thoughts and prayers continue for you all.
Sep 27, 2016, 12:28:23 AM
Amanda Van Winkle - Steph, growing up your mom played such a big role. I was thinking about all the pancakes she made us on sleep overs and how she has played a role as an inspiration of the kind of mom i wanted to be. I pass the house on Sherril all the time on my way to work awaiting some king of sign that she is back. Working in a hospital i understand the stress you are feeling and the constant uncertainty. I wont say i know how you feel cause unless it was my mom i cannot imagine.
Just know that you and your family are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. If you have the chance, give your mom a hug for me and let her know im rooting for her full recovery. Your dad has a big heart, but make sure he continues to take care of himself. If there is anything you need, call me. I would do anything to help yall out, what are friends for? Luv Manda
Sep 26, 2016, 9:20:04 PM
aunt donna - blessing to u all everyday. and if u think ur dad needs me there please please let me know
Sep 26, 2016, 8:58:05 PM
Cheryl Martinez - Your family has been and continue to be in my prayers.
Sep 26, 2016, 7:07:50 PM
Suzanne - Love you, your sweet, sweet momma, and your family (and Dallas!) ... you all remain in our prayers!